A Sales Growth Company Logo


Sales Training, Consulting, and Enablement

Changing The Way
The World Sells

A Sales Methodology that actually works


People We Work With:

Meet Gap Selling – the sales world’s first problem-centric™ selling methodology. A customer focused alternative to consultative selling.

The Gap Selling Methodology

GAP Methodology
GAP Methodology Current State

Where your customer is now – how they currently operate, what problems they are having, and how this is holding them back from where they want to be.

GAP Methodology Future State

Where your customer wants to be – their goals, ambitions, dreams. What are they trying to achieve, whether that be revenue goals, growth, or saving enough to launch a new product line.

GAP Methodology The Gap

The distance between the Current State and the Future State. This is where the value to their business lies. A combination of all their current state problems and impacts subtracted from the desired future state.

GAP Methodology Solution

Your product is the key, the bridge, or the patch the prospect needed. It fills the identified Gap perfectly. It fixes the technical problem plaguing their business, alleviates the impacts of this broken process, and carries them to their goal.

Introducing A Sales Growth Company’s sales enablement framework to define, improve, and quantify your sales execution efforts.

Speed Model Methodology
Speed Method Skills

Managed by Sales Enablement with a focus on developing and honing sales skills. Includes implementing a common sales methodology, learning environments and certification processes.

Speed Model Opportunity

Primary job of Sales Managers. Consisting of tools, activities, and data for creating, managing, and closing opportunities such as qualification frameworks, CRM systems, pipeline and deal review processes.

Speed Method - Forecast Management

Owned by Sales Operations with a focus on predicting future revenue overlaying historical and buyer input data. Requires clear definitions for forecastable opportunities, accuracy tracking, and  success criteria.

Speed Model Buyer Input Data

The specific and unique information or data provided by the buyer that proves the cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action.

The Revenue S.P.E.E.D. Model

Sales Performance, Execution, Enablement, and Delivery

Meet Gap Selling – the sales world’s first problem-centric™ selling methodology. A customer focused alternative to consultative selling.

The Gap Selling Methodology

Introducing A Sales Growth Company’s sales enablement framework to define, improve, and quantify your sales execution efforts.

The Speed Model

Sales Performance, Execution, Enablement, and Delivery

As Seen In:

Sales training, consulting, and enablement adapted to the way 21st century buyers buy.

Leaders in pulling the sales world forward

Addressing The Changes In The Market

Post-pandemic B2B sales has become increasingly challenging, with hesitant buyers and intensified scrutiny on expenditures. Sales teams are struggling with pipeline development, forecasting accuracy, and most importantly, overall performance. These challenges highlight a critical need for baseline skills, a well-defined methodology, customized practice and roleplay.

What We Do

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Sales Training Services

Sales Training

Sales Training Services

Elevate your sales game with Gap Selling training. Ditch the discounts, increase win rates, shorten those lengthy sales cycles, and boost your average deal sizes. We understand your challenges and can help you fix them.

Sales Consulting Services

Sales Consulting

Sales Consulting Services

Simplify and streamline your sales operation, from strategic account planning to effective pipeline management and sales coaching. Enhance your team’s performance, ensuring repeatable processes that eliminate friction and boost visibility.


Kick-off Events


Turbocharge you sales team’s potential. Let Keenan challenge, educate, motivate, and inspire. Propel your team to tackle new challenges, engage customers, and seize opportunities.

Gap Selling Certified Trainer

Become a GAP SELLING Certified Trainer

Gap Selling Certified Trainer

Advance your training career with a Gap Selling Certification. Offer Gap Selling training to your clients, drive transformative change, and become an expert coach and diagnostician. Break free from traditional methods and embark on your own path to success.

Gap Selling Keenan Book


Gap Selling Keenan Book

People don’t buy from people they like. Your buyer doesn’t care about you or your product or service. It’s not your job to overcome objections, it’s your buyer’s. Closing isn’t a skill of good salespeople; it’s the skill of weak salespeople. Price isn’t the main reason salespeople lose the sale. Gap Selling shreds traditional and closely held sales beliefs that have been hurting salespeople for decades.

Free Sales Resources

Free Resources

Free Sales Resources

Our handpicked collection of essential sales tools, eBooks, and videos. Dive into comprehensive research studies, practical strategies, and insights designed to boost your selling abilities.

Still not sure if this is for you?

100K+ SALES PEEPS TRUST A Sales Growth Company

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“You’ll be hard pressed to find a more straightforward methodology for helping your prospects identify the true cost of the status quo, and the implications of the solution you propose – or sometimes more importantly, of doing nothing at all.”

G2 Review

“Gap selling has helped me focus on asking not only better questions but also deeper questions that have enabled me to reduce my sales cycle. If you are looking to become a better sales professional, Gap Selling training is a must!”

G2 Review

“Gap Selling puts a structure and a mindset in place to enable a forward-thinking sales org to truly operationalize a next-generation sales methodology. Gap Selling forces reps to put their clients in the center of the equation and be patient to dig out their technical and business problems.”

G2 Review

Stop the Old School Sales Tactics and Enter the New Sales Profession