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Flip The Script Series – Gap Sell Keenan Live Pitches




Image of a hammer and three bent nails, illustrating mistakes and errors in execution. The image metaphorically represents common sales errors

4 Sales Mistakes That Drive Buyers Crazy

As a sales leader with decades of experience, I’ve developed a sharp eye for sales tactics – both good and bad. All these years, make me a real tough sell for any seller. Whether it’s a high schooler...

Illustration of a contract and pen on opposite sides of a large chasm, symbolizing the gap between a prospect's verbal agreement and the actual closing of a deal.

The Prospect Said Yes, Why It Doesn’t Mean Sh*t

I’m sitting in a pipeline meeting and ask the rep if the deal will close. He confidently replies, “Yes!” “Great,” I say, “How do you know?” The rep responds, “The prospect told me. She said they’re going with...

A woman in an office setting focuses intently on an abacus, symbolizing the importance of understanding and leveraging sales data.

Why Don’t Salespeople Know Their Numbers?

Salespeople are not leveraging their sales data. Don’t believe me? Off the top of your head, can you tell me your close rate for the last quarter? What about your average deal size over the past 6 months? Do...

A blue piece of paper is torn to reveal the words "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" in black, bold typeface

Never Ask a Buyer What They Want

As a buyer, have you been in a sales call where a seller keeps asking you what you want but you realize you’re not totally sure? I found myself in this situation way back when I decided to release the audio...

A young boy stands in a field, holding a string attached to a red balloon that floats against a backdrop of dense green trees and a clear blue sky. The image evokes a sense of simplicity and perspective, aligning with the blog's message on recognizing when a business deal isn't worth pursuing despite initial efforts and investments

When a Deal Isn’t Worth it

When you’re in the business of providing services, the mutual respect between provider and client is everything. At A Sales Growth Company we pride ourselves on being flexible, innovative, nimble, and decisive...

Cartoon illustration of a man with a slimy green substance dripping down his face and suit, giving an expression of discomfort and unease. The image metaphorically represents the slimy and manipulative stereotype often associated with salespeople.

Sales Got You Feeling Slimy? This is why.

Has someone asked you recently what you do and then when you tell them you’re a salesperson they give you an odd look? That bad taste of salespeople still plagues our world. The stereotypical...

A man in casual work attire is precariously sawing off a large branch from a tree, the very branch he's sitting on, symbolizing a 'sales demo' mistake. The background reveals a hazy industrial skyline, contrasting with the tree's lush foliage, emphasizing the short-sighted actions that can undermine long-term goals, reflective of the pitfalls in customer engagement and sales promises

Avoiding a Common Sales Demo Mistake

We’ve all been there. You’re looking for a new software to streamline a nagging process. You reach out to the industry leaders, expecting high end service, only to find delays, unfulfilled promises, and...

A hand holds a magnifying glass over the phrase 'DEFINE EVERYTHING' amidst a backdrop of technical drawings and symbols, relating to the critical importance of defining every aspect in a sales discovery process. The concept highlights the necessity of avoiding superficial information and seeking deeper understanding in the sales journey.

Sales Discovery: The 1 Mistake You’re All Making

A sales discovery call is a pivotal, make or break moment in a sales journey. Sellers have a storied history of making one giant mistake – failing to define every piece of information given, comprehensively....





Balance Sheets Exploring their Hidden Sales Secrets

Balance Sheets: Exploring their Hidden Sales Secrets

Decoding Balance Sheets for Sales Growth Last week, we went through the Profit and Loss Statement.  This week we’re going to tackle the balance sheet.  The balance sheet and the profit and loss statement go...

Social Selling - How To Use LinkedIn Properly

Social Selling – How To Use LinkedIn Properly

Last week we talked about why it’s vital to not use LinkedIn as a cold selling platform. A bunch of you didn’t agree and wanted more on the right way to use LinkedIn and social selling to further your sales....

What a Killer Deal Strategy Looks Like

What a Killer Deal Strategy Looks Like

Getting your prospect engaged, getting them on the proverbial hook is critical to selling. Prospecting is the holy grail of sales and it get’s a lot of attention as it should. To most of us, finding and...

Tell Your Customer "No"! During Prospecting

Tell Your Customer “No”! During Prospecting

Here’s the deal. When you’re prospecting, leads can be demanding, They will ask for a lot, but it doesn’t mean you have to say yes every time.   Can you tell your customer or prospect...





Interview banner featuring Kevin McIntyre with the text 'Mavens of Modern Sales' and 'Kevin McIntyre'. The background is a dark, grungy texture with red accents, and Kevin McIntyre is pictured smiling in a suit and glasses.

Mavens of Modern Sales – Kevin McIntyre

Welcome to Mavens of Modern Sales, where we take a deep dive with the sales leaders pulling sales teams in the 21st century to get their insights on leadership, strategy, industry trends, and more. This week...

A set of white puzzle pieces arranged in a staircase pattern, ascending from left to right, with an arrow drawn above them on a chalkboard, symbolizing growth and progress.

12 Step Program for Business

Change management psychology is as relevant as ever in business conversations. Countless theories exist about the best approach. However, there’s an old saying – “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Let’s take a...

When Companies Fail Their Sales Team

A couple months ago we talked about how salespeople can be their own worst enemy. However, very little in life is black and white. Today, we’re going to talk about how companies can be the root cause of their...

A woman angrily points her finger while a man covers his ears with his fingers, depicting a lack of coachability and the challenges in coaching uncoachable team members.

Coaching Sellers: What We’re Not Talking About

Coaching, especially in sales, is a cornerstone of effective leadership. I’ve long believed that coaching is an indispensable tool for driving success. Whether you’re leading a sales organization or managing...

A group of hands raised against a blurred blue background, symbolizing active participation and readiness. This image relates to the blog's emphasis on the importance of proactive pipeline management and the necessity for sales managers to dig deeper and push for clear, evidence-based updates from their teams to ensure effective deal progression

Questions Every Manager Should Ask in Pipeline Review

How many pipeline meetings have you been a part of and heard things like “deal is looking good, waiting for feedback from the demo”, “I think we’ll close soon, they seem interested”? Far too many sales...

An illustration of interconnected gears, with one gear prominently highlighted in blue, symbolizing the integration of skills, opportunity, and forecast management in a sales enablement framework.

The Only Sales Enablement Framework You Need

Sales enablement, we see you, we hear you. You’ve been investing resources into training and developing salespeople. Despite your efforts, leadership is demanding evidence that your work is producing returns....

Image featuring a professional headshot of Paul Butterfield with the text "Mavens of Modern Sales" and "Interview" displayed prominently. The design has a modern, bold aesthetic with red and black elements.

Mavens of Modern Sales – Paul Butterfield

Welcome to Mavens of Modern Sales, where we take a deep dive with the sales leaders pulling sales teams in the 21st century to get their insights on leadership, strategy, industry trends, and more. This week...

A monochromatic illustration showing a fish jumping from a small, water-splashed fishbowl to a larger empty fishbowl, symbolizing how to scale a sales team.

How to Scale A Sales Team

One of the members of this community asked me if I’d do a post on scaling sales teams.  I thought his question was a good one. Would love to see you write a post on your thoughts on scaling a sales team that...

Mavens of Modern Sales: Jerry Pharr

Welcome to our new interview series, Mavens of Modern Sales, where we go behind the scenes with top sales executives to get their insights on leadership, strategy, industry trends, and more. In the inaugural...

A person's hand selecting a single game piece from a line of identical pieces, symbolizing the importance of proactive leadership in sales management. This image illustrates the concept of choosing the right strategy and personnel, much like a sales manager must select the best course of action and team members to avoid reactive management and ensure success.

4 Keys to Proactive Sales Management

I see this far too often.  Sales management and sales leaders reactively manage their people.  They reactively manage because they to manage to results.  Results are a trailing indicator in sales. If you...




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MEDDPICC vs Gap Selling

Comparison: MEDD(P)ICC and Gap Selling

Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer. You’re looking to buy some new software. One of the potential vendors subscribes to the MEDDIC sales methodology. You schedule a call, and during the call, the sellers...

Keenan and a salesperson engaged in a conversation about active listening and consultative selling as they discuss the principles of Gap Selling.

Gap Sell Keenan 63: Stop Selling and Listen

We can’t say this loud enough, B2B sales is changing. Relentlessly pushing products and hammering prospects with your rehearsed sales pitch is dead. Developing a successful sales approach needs to focus on...

Risk to Reward A Sales Case Study

Risk to Reward: A Sales Case Study

How a Calculated Sales Risk Paid Off One of the top selling Tequilas in the world doesn’t allow the word tequila to be used when referring to it’s product. Yes, it’s on the bottle, but that’s pretty much the...

Sales Strategy Lessons From My 14 Year Old Self

Sales Strategy Lessons From My 14 Year Old Self

The Sales Strategy that Made a Skatepark a Reality This is how my feisty 14 year old self accidentally Gap Sold my town into building a skatepark. Buckle up! Because I’m going to walk you through my...





MEDDPICC vs Gap Selling

Comparison: MEDD(P)ICC and Gap Selling

Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer. You’re looking to buy some new software. One of the potential vendors subscribes to the MEDDIC sales methodology. You schedule a call, and during the call, the sellers...

A man in casual work attire is precariously sawing off a large branch from a tree, the very branch he's sitting on, symbolizing a 'sales demo' mistake. The background reveals a hazy industrial skyline, contrasting with the tree's lush foliage, emphasizing the short-sighted actions that can undermine long-term goals, reflective of the pitfalls in customer engagement and sales promises

Avoiding a Common Sales Demo Mistake

We’ve all been there. You’re looking for a new software to streamline a nagging process. You reach out to the industry leaders, expecting high end service, only to find delays, unfulfilled promises, and...

A professional's hands typing on a laptop that displays a holographic CRM interface with connected data points and management icons. This image symbolizes the transformative use of CRM software as a dynamic sales tool beyond just management.

Unlocking the Full Potential of the CRM

CRM: More Than Just a Management Tool Yeah, I get it. Most of you think the CRM is a waste of time. Most of you think the CRM just slows you down and that it’s a pain in the ass. You see it as something...

A 3D illustration depicts a figure pushing a large red percentage symbol uphill, against a backdrop of stylized mountains and trees, symbolizing the challenging journey to increase win rates in sales. The symbol's daunting size compared to the figure highlights the struggle organizations face with low win rates due to insufficient buyer input data.

Increasing Win Rates: The Critical Role of Buyer Data

Win rates are one sales metric that may stand alone as the single most important KPI. However, a staggering number of organizations struggle with alarmingly low win rates. Like 15-20%, low. These disappointing...

Two salespeople having a chat about why it's crucial to never stop learning in sales. They highlight the shift from old-school sales to a more helpful approach. This image represents the importance of always improving and staying adaptable for success in sales.

Gap Sell Keenan 71: Never Stop Learning

  We live in a constantly evolving world. Self development, professional development, and learning is a never-ending journey without a final chapter. The ability to adapt is non-negotiable. Sales has gone...

Two sellers engaged in a discussion, emphasizing the significance of knowing the answer to 'What problems do you solve for your clients?' in strategic sales.

Gap Sell Keenan 70: What Problems Do You Solve?

We’ve done 70 episodes of Gap Sell Keenan and there remains a recurring theme. Sellers still struggle to answer what problems do you solve? This seemingly simple question stumps our guests time and time again....
