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Tell Your Customer “No”! During Prospecting

May 4, 2022

Here’s the deal. When you’re prospecting, leads can be demanding, They will ask for a lot, but it doesn’t mean you have to say yes every time.


Can you tell your customer or prospect no?

Tell Your Customer No

You better.


When a prospect says; “Just send over a proposal,” but won’t give you any information about their company, what they are looking for, or what they want to accomplish. Say “No!”


When a customer asks you to reduce the price, but won’t have a discussion about why they want a lower price, the value they’ve received, or even offer what they’d like to pay. Say “No!”


If a prospect wants a demo, but won’t spend time to do a discovery call, say “No!”


Part of sales and prospecting is telling your customer and prospects no. You’re not the customer’s bitch. You need to learn to say no.


The key is to position yourself as a peer and build a selling approach that increases your clients and customers ability to be successful. It’s not to be their gopher, their yes person or a pushover.


Some customers and clients see themselves in the driver’s seat and feel it’s their job to beat up salespeople. It makes them feel as if they are getting a good deal or taking control. Unfortunately, these people are misinformed and you don’t have to be the victim of their ignorance.


Good selling is helping. When people WON’T let you help them, tell them “No!”, and move on.


Learn to say No! It’s one of the best tools salespeople have when prospecting; if they learn how to use it.


Want to up your prospecting game? Click here to schedule a call with our sales team.


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