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Salespeople: Don’t Be the Customer’s Bitch

April 21, 2022

You are not the customer’s bitch.

Salespeople: Don't be the Customer's Bitch

You are a great sales person.


A great sales person isn’t a go-fer, they are keenly in-tune to a customer’s problems and how to solve them. A great sales person doesn’t pester the customer with pitches and presentations. A great sales person provides valuable insight into the challenges, issues, and problems their customers are facing, and that warrants respect.


Is This You?


  • If your customer says jump and you say how high
  • If the customer asks for a quote and you deliver it with out asking why
  • If the customer asks for a free trial but won’t share their results
  • If you are meeting all your customer requests but they won’t meet yours
  • If the customer expects you to change your business model to meet their needs and you do
  • If the customer only likes you if give them the pricing they want
  • If the customer continually asks for things, but won’t give anything in return


. . . you’re the customer’s bitch!

Remember, as salespeople, you are an asset:


  • If you know as much or more than your customer about industry trends
  • If you understand the nuances of solving the key problems associated with your products or services
  • If you understand what the competition is doing
  • If you continually provide relevant customer insights
  • If the client can rely on you for direction and advice
  • If you don’t push products, services or features and benefits
  • If you have a strong social following because of your shared content
  • If you are a relied on resource in LinkedIn groups, Quora or Focus


. . . you are a critical element to your client’s success and you will never be treated like a bitch.


Too many salespeople quickly become the customer’s bitch by running around doing what ever the customer asks and it’s their own fault.


Stop being the bitch. Say no, bring value, and focus on becoming a valuable part of the problem-solving team your customers rely on.


Companies don’t need any more bitches, they need really good salespeople!


P.S.– If you keep getting walked all over by your customers, you might want to check out Gap Selling on Amazon. Chapter 5 is going to be your best friend!


Want to bring more value to your customers? Reach out to our sales team.


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