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A Sales Methodology for the 21st Century

Gap Selling Method
We believe everyone has the capability to be a great salesperson. The Gap Selling Methodology is a proven system that empowers salespeople with a collaborative selling approach to build credibility with the buyer and develop their personal sales potential.


Gap Selling works because it aligns how buyers like to buy with how sellers like to sell. Other sales methodologies don’t teach sales people how their buyers like to buy– but in Gap Selling, everything is a collaborative effort to move the prospect toward their desired future state.

This doesn’t mean you have to be liked, as other methodologies may have taught you. Buyers purchase from an expert, not a friend. Likability doesn’t factor into your ability to diagnose a problem and work with the prospect to fill the gap.


The Gap Selling Methodology is a sales technique that shifts the focus of the sale from your product to the buyer’s problem. In old-school selling methodologies, focusing on the features and benefits of your product meant the buyer had all the power when it came to understanding the prospect’s true needs. With Gap Selling, we teach you how to find the gap– the space between the buyer’s current and future states– and utilize that information to sell to the real problem the buyer is experiencing.

A diagram explaining Gap Selling, showing two target-like icons labeled 'Current State' on the left and 'Future State' on the right, connected by a dotted line with a red box in the center labeled 'The Gap.' Above the diagram, the text reads, 'Here is where the value lives.'
A diagram illustrating the Gap Selling process, with a 'Buyer' and 'Seller' represented by icons on the left. Both are connected by dotted lines converging at a central point marked by two opposing arrows, before continuing to a target icon on the right labeled 'Future State.'


Gap Selling teaches you how to be Problem-Centric™. We don’t pitch about our product or service, and we don’t try to find the customer’s “pain point” to manipulate a sale. Gap Selling is a collaborative effort with the buyer to identify the true source of the problem, evaluate the cost of that problem, and work together to find a solution to fill the gap.

Different Ways To
Learn Gap Selling

Cover of the book 'Gap Selling' by Keenan, featuring a bold red background with the title 'Gap Selling' in large black and white text. The word 'Gap' is partially obscured by a torn paper effect across the middle of the cover.

Read The Book

If you’re just starting out in your Gap Selling journey, we would recommend exploring our best selling book, Gap Selling by Keenan. You’ll get the comprehensive picture of what Gap Selling is and how to implement it in your sales techniques. It could be the best $27 you ever invest in your professional development.

A screenshot from the Gap Selling online training, showing Keenan wearing a 'Gap Sell' t-shirt speaking directly to the camera. The video is displayed on a laptop screen, with a background featuring the word 'KEENAN' in large red letters and various books and items related to sales.

Train Today

If you’re ready to dive into the full Gap Selling methodology and put it into practice, Gap Selling Online Training could be the right fit for you. This is an on-demand, interactive, self-paced course that goes beyond the Gap Selling book to teach you practical Gap Selling skills.

An organizational chart illustration showing a hierarchy with one larger red figure at the top, connected to five smaller red figures below, each overseeing a group of even smaller red figures, symbolizing team structure and scalability in a sales organization.

Enable Your Team

Want to build a Gap Selling organization? Check out our team training, tailored to any size sales force. Take the guesswork out of your team’s success and see if investing in sales team training would benefit your organization.

A collage of resources featured in the Gap Selling Free Resource Center, including an eBook titled 'How to Sell in a Recession,' a video thumbnail, and various sales tools such as a sales commission calculator and strategy guides.

Free Resource Center

Our handpicked collection of essential sales tools, eBooks, and videos. Dive into comprehensive research studies, practical strategies, and insights designed to boost your selling abilities.

Download a FREE chapter of Gap Selling
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