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Wait… Why should I read this Again?

GAP SELLING is the only problem centric sales methodology on the market! 

For years, salespeople have embraced a myriad of sales tactics and belief systems that have unknowingly created many of the issues they have been trying to avoid such as: long sales cycles, price objections, no decision, prospects going dark, last minute feature requests, and more. Success at sales requires more than a set of tactics.

Salespeople need to understand the game of sales, how sales works, and what the buyer is going through in order to make the decision to buy (change) or not to buy (not change). Gap Selling is a game-changing book designed to raise the sales IQ of selling organizations around the world.

In his unapologetic and irreverent style, Keenan breaks down the tired old sales myths causing today’s frustrating sales issues, to highlight a deceptively powerful new way to connect with buyers. Today’s sales world is littered with glorified order takers, beholden to a frustrated buyer, unable to influence the sale and create value.

Gap Selling flips the script and creates salespeople with immense influence at every stage of the buying process, capable of impacting the sales metrics that matter:

  • Shorter Sales Cycles
  • Increased Revenue
  • Elevated Deal Values
  • Higher Win Rates
  • Fewer No Decisions
  • More Leads
  • and Happier Buyers

Gap Selling elevates the sales world’s selling IQ and turns sales order takers into sales influencers.

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