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Manager is Top Seller….Again

A Sales Growth Company
March 6, 2024

DENVER, CO – Amongst the rhythmic hums of phones and constant clack of keywords, it’s just another day for Dave Reynolds. He’s grabbing a coffee in between sales calls when we caught up with him. He sits back at his desk and sips his coffee, you can almost see the gears turning in his head.

A dozen fresh email cascade into his inbox without so much as a flinch; Dave is on a mission. But it’s not the mission you’d expect from the sales manager. Dave remains in the trenches.

Wearing dual hats, Sales Manager and Top Performer, Dave is the epitome of multitasking. He dashes from one call to the next, with a certain gleam in his eye, an excitement that can only come from selling.


In his own words, “When I’m selling, I feel completely in control. It’s the only time I get to be the real me. Why limit yourself to just managing when you can outshine the team? Who wouldn’t want their best player and coach to be the same person?” His style might be unconventional, but its effectiveness is undeniable, recently securing his title as the Top Seller for the third consecutive year.

When questioned about his distinctive approach, Dave leans back in his chair, a smug grin on his face, and stated, “Well, I figured, if I can manage a team, surely I can outsell them too. It’s leading by example.”

We’re quickly ushered out of the room shortly after this, Dave insists he won’t have time to coach if he doesn’t get through his selling tasks for the day. It’s apparent that he’s charted a distinctive course for himself – where managing, outperforming and coaching seamlessly intertwine. Perhaps, the coaching playbook should include a chapter on multitasking strategies. Or maybe, it’s a sign to let players play and coaches coach. For now though, Dave seems to have found the balance.

This is a work of satire. Coaches should coach. If you want to coach winning sales teams, start with this free eBook – How to Coach Winning Sales Teams


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