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Case Studies & Testimonials Articles

Comparison: MEDD(P)ICC and Gap Selling

Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer. You’re looking to buy some new software. One of the potential vendors subscribes to the MEDDIC sales methodology. You schedule a call, and during the call, the sellers asks you a series of questions: What is the economic impact of...

Gap Sell Keenan 63: Stop Selling and Listen

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJcMS6EtIdU We can’t say this loud enough, B2B sales is changing. Relentlessly pushing products and hammering prospects with your rehearsed sales pitch is dead. Developing a successful sales approach needs to focus on consultative...

Risk to Reward: A Sales Case Study

How a Calculated Sales Risk Paid Off One of the top selling Tequilas in the world doesn’t allow the word tequila to be used when referring to it’s product. Yes, it’s on the bottle, but that’s pretty much the only place you’re gonna see the word. The logic? It comes...

Sales Strategy Lessons From My 14 Year Old Self

The Sales Strategy that Made a Skatepark a Reality This is how my feisty 14 year old self accidentally Gap Sold my town into building a skatepark. Buckle up! Because I’m going to walk you through my development of a sales strategy and a 2 year sales cycle.  ...